RUMPUN or Ruang Mitra Perempuan (Space for Women Friendship) was established on March 2005. RUMPUN concerns in rural woman empowerment through institutional revitalisation, promoting good governance and egalitarian society, just and equal community. Based on long experience working in development issues in several parts of Indonesia, several NGO activiest s in Malang – East Java came up into the commitment to develop an organization to address the empowerment issues from local. However, the thoughts would not be limited by geographical condition.
RUMPUN combines its works of policy advocacy and filed level works with local grass-root level community and institutions. It also develop local, national and global networkings.
Slogan: Investing in Women
Vision: Build a Just Society, through empowering women.
- Transform knowlege and skills for women to open better access and control over resources
- Actively participate on advocacy reserach and works through netwotking locally, nationally and globally for any issues of empowerment
- Ctirical analysis on global issues and develop local actions for empowerment
anti discrimnation, inclusiveness, put the last first, respect to human rights, consider the environmental negative impacts
Legal Status:
RUMPUN was established in 8 March 2005 with a Legal Act No: 2/2005 (and legal status from district trial No.08/UK/2008) and has formal official certificate from District level government. It has renewed the Legal Act (and completed with English version Act) in 2010.
Approaches / Strategies:
- Transformative capacity building for local community: women and men, includng local authorities
- Participatory facilitation for local community: women and men to be independence and enable local leadership
- Advocacy works and networking with wide multi stakeholders
- Comprehensive local actions based on local potential and interests
Thematic Programs
- Women economic empowerment through sustainable livelihood
- Women leadership development for trafficking prevention and education development
- Advocacy reserach on the MGDs imlementation especially for the issues of women reproductive health and maternal mortalily rate
- Advocacy reserach on government basic services on education and health
- Women informal lifelong education for empowerment
- Integrated program for urban sustainable management for women and youth, to support the implementation of human rights base city
Services and Consultancies
- Capacity building training and workshop on the issues of social analysis, gender analysis, participatory reserach approaches and facilitation
- Program design for community empowerment used gender analysis and participatory approaches
- Training Modules Development on community empowerment
- Participatory Field research on social and gender inclusion in any issues of community based programs
Some Partners and Donor:
- Government: Ministry of Education and Culture, District Office of Women Empowerment and Child Protection,
- NGOs: INFID, American Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Concern World Wide, ASPBAE, PLAN-USA (CEDPA), ACE, Save the Children, Jurnal Perempuan
- Japan Embassy in Indonesia
- Brawijaya University – Malang, STIE Malang Kuceswara, State Islamic University Maulana Malik Imbrahim Malang
- Prof.DR.Ir. Tri Susanto, M App. Sc
- Nila Wardani
- Nina Hendarwati
Managing Director: Ms. Nila Wardani